Thursday, June 10, 2010

Red HM fries


Anonymous said...

how is the black hmpk? why the post with photo the explanation will in comment.. have to click each to see haha. nice blog.. update more~

Ivan said...

how is ur yellow HM?

pauliebetta said...

hi bettafish4u....u must be Foo right? Yeah, will try to post my Black pictures soon. This template not so user-friendly...i also do not how to use it....

pauliebetta said...

hi Ivan, I did not proceed further with my yello HM spawn, i mean I should do a F2 but did not....F1 mostly Super Delta & I suppose I should be able to get HM in F2 theoritically....not in my plan to start the F2 now spawning Red HM (male bought from ah zai, female from Bobby) second time. I had posted pictures of my 1st spawn somewhere here....

pauliebetta said...

hi bettafish4u....i have re-configure the 'comment setting',,,,should be better now,,,yes, u still hav 2 click on the 'comment' to post ur comment...

About Me

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Fell in love with betta in 2006. I personally feel that spawning betta is very challenging but at the end of the day, I get the satisfaction. I consider myself still very amatuer in this hobby. To anybody who happen to visit my blog, please feel free to comment on my fish or even the blog layout, etc etc. Thank you.