Thursday, June 10, 2010

Super Blue HMPK Juveniles


pauliebetta said...

Notice the Turquoise (green) fellow?
They are about 2 months old.

Unknown said...

paul.. new product coming out eh? will be visiting u soon. TQ

how to use this comment thingy, im ivan btw.

pauliebetta said...

Hi Ivan...this template not so user-friendly. Will try to switch later.

No new product lah...those are from my Super Blue hmpk expecting Steel Blue, Super Blue & Turquoise from this spawn....

pauliebetta said...

Hi Ivan,
I had re-configure the 'comment setting',,,i think should be better now.
Let me know, if not...

Ivan said...

paul, i think u should have the CBOX up, easier for the blog browser to chat there...

pauliebetta said...

Hi Ivan,

Thanks ur suggestion.

Will try to get the CBOX thingy up soon. Still doing 'trial & error' kinda of thing....

About Me

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Fell in love with betta in 2006. I personally feel that spawning betta is very challenging but at the end of the day, I get the satisfaction. I consider myself still very amatuer in this hobby. To anybody who happen to visit my blog, please feel free to comment on my fish or even the blog layout, etc etc. Thank you.